Wednesday, September 14, 2011

I have a 2001 Tundra, how much would it cost to change the timing belt?

depending on the labor rate probably 300-500 dollarsI have a 2001 Tundra, how much would it cost to change the timing belt?
not that much less then 100 maybe more after the adjust the timingI have a 2001 Tundra, how much would it cost to change the timing belt?
well it depends if you want to do it yourself or have a mechanic work on it. if you want to do it yourself, the belt would propably be around 50-100 dollars. and if you want a mechanic to do it it will propably be around 100-200 Bucks!!!!!I have a 2001 Tundra, how much would it cost to change the timing belt?
Parts and labor around $250
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