Wednesday, September 14, 2011

How would i know if i need to change the timing belt in my honda civic lx 92?

The timing belt in an early model Civic 1.5 should be changed at every 60,000 miles.It's best to change the water pump at the same time.If you don't know when the belt was last changed,do it as soon as you can,because the Civic will bend valves if the belt fails.How would i know if i need to change the timing belt in my honda civic lx 92?
i think u are asking if u can visually check the belt. well the good news is u can but it will only indicate that u may need to do it immediately from signs of rot or wear. u really cant say well that belt looks ok as it may break anyways. be on the safe side and change it. a rule of thumb is do the waterpump, timing belt, idler tension pulley, and drive belts at the same time.How would i know if i need to change the timing belt in my honda civic lx 92?
You don't. So change it every 60K miles.

Well, not completely true. You can lift up valve cover to take a peek at the belt condition. Then again, if you are willing to do some work to lift up the valve cover, you are already 1/2 way there. so why not just do rest of the work and replace the belt?