my golf is a 53 plate 1.9 tdiHow often do i need to change the timing belt on my 53 plate vw golf tdi?
The timing belt should be replaced every 60-96k miles depending on the year. If prior to 2002 it is every 40k for automatic and 60k for manual. 2002 and newer it is every 80k miles both auto and manual. 2003 and newer every 100k miles, auto and manual. You should also change the water pump and tensioner when doing the belt.How often do i need to change the timing belt on my 53 plate vw golf tdi?
YOU don't need to do itHow often do i need to change the timing belt on my 53 plate vw golf tdi?
in general all belts need changed at 35 to 50 thousand milesHow often do i need to change the timing belt on my 53 plate vw golf tdi?